Moontime Lodge - Imbolc Portal Activations & Full Moon Ceremony

Moontime Lodge - Imbolc Portal Activations & Full Moon Ceremony

Join for this online Moontime Lodge Session, where you can join from the Comfort of your Home.

A cosy Online Event happening on a Sunday, where I will hold space for you to curate time for you to Rest into your Body and Re-root after the hype that the Gregorian New Year offers and to honour the turn of the wheel and the high and holy portal of Imbolc, which symbolises the return of light.

So join me within this nourishing nook on the web and allow yourself to rest within the landscapes of your body to honour the cycles, seasons and spirals of life within and without .

We will meet on Zoom for an honour and I will guide a Yoga Nidra Medicine Journey. You can come as you are, no prior experience required. followed by connection circle an optional space to share. If you only want to join for the Medicine Journey that is fine, show up as much as you want to. You can use the space as you need to and leave when you want. ( There will be a recording if you wish to watch in your own time and there is no pressure to engage)

Timings & arrival: Once you have made the payment and you are booked, you will receive your Zoom Invitation.The Medicine Journey will be starting 11am, so please make sure you arrive 5 minutes before.

+Wear loose warm comfortable clothing

+ Bottle of Water or Flask beside you

+ Yoga, Mat or Blanket- one for laying on and one to cover you and keep you warm.

+ A journal and pen with you. You are invited to rest for a while after the session to allow space to integrate, but if you receive any insights or messages during at least you have your journal ready to write down anything you need to.

 Sourcing our Inner Medicine.


Payment via PayPal

Sliding Scale £8-11

Pay Here

Once a booking has been made, you will receive your Zoom Invitation.

The Event is free for Moontime Lodge Members.

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Women's Medicine Journey - 22nd January

Women's Medicine Journey - 22nd January

Join for this online Women’s Medicine Journey, where you can join from the Comfort of your Home.

A cosy Online Event happening on a Sunday, where I will hold space for you to curate time for you to Rest into your Body and Re-root after the hype that the Gregorian New Year offers. Sometimes, these events push us to come out of Hibernation earlier than these earthly bodies before our time expected.

Our bodies work with the Rhythms of the Earth and Cycles of the Moon and usually the earth and all her creatures wouldn’t be making their appearance till Spring Equinox! So it is more than likely (like myself) that you may feel not quite ready to come out of your cocoon just yet.

So join me within this nourishing nook on the web and allow yourself to rest within the landscapes of your body until your body is ready.

We will meet on Zoom for an honour and I will guide a Yoga Nidra Medicine Journey. You can come as you are, no prior experience required. followed by connection circle an optional space to share. If you only want to join for the Medicine Journey that is fine, show up as much as you want to. You can use the space as you need to and leave when you want. ( There will be a recording if you wish to watch in your own time and there is no pressure to engage)

Timings & arrival: Once you have made the payment and you are booked, you will receive your Zoom Invitation for 22nd January 11am.The Medicine Journey will be starting 11am, so please make sure you arrive 5 minutes before.

+Wear loose warm comfortable clothing

+ Bottle of Water or Flask beside you

+ Yoga, Mat or Blanket- one for laying on and one to cover you and keep you warm.

+ A journal and pen with you. You are invited to rest for a while after the session to allow space to integrate, but if you receive any insights or messages during at least you have your journal ready to write down anything you need to.

 Sourcing our Inner Medicine.


Payment via PayPal

Sliding Scale £8-11

Pay Here

Once a booking has been made, you will receive your Zoom Invitation.

The Event is free for Moontime Lodge Members.

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Women's Medicine Circle

Women's Medicine Circle


We have a limited number of tickets for the space, so be sure to book if you feel the spark!


An invitation to Remember and Reclaim.

A nourishing evening to Rest, Dream and Weave Sacred threads of connection with Women, within Nurturing and Healing portals. Co-creating a Sacred Space in time to tune into the Rhythms of the Earth, Moon and the Seasons within and without: Activating and Awakening the Innate Wisdoms and Intelligences of the body and allowing ourselves to be held and supported whilst reconnecting, listening and receiving what we need from the Wild Feminine Landscapes within.

This Evening Journey & Medicine Circle will include:

Welcoming Circle

Herbal Brew

Plant Allies Connection

Grounding Practices

Womb Heart Connection Practices

Journeying into the Womb Cave (Guided Drum Journey)

Womb & Heart Medicine

Song Circle

Details, Date,Time & Location :

Thursday DECEMBER 1ST 8-9:30PM

L'Hermitage Centre @ L'Hermitage Gardens, Beaumont, St Peter, Jersey, JE3 7HH

No Late Arrivals

Please arrive 7:45pm as we will be starting 8pm. Door will be closed from 8pm onwards to ensure a safe and sacred space is held

You will need to bring…

+Wear loose warm comfortable clothing

+ Bottle of Water or Flask
+ Yoga, Mat or Blanket- one for laying on and one to cover you and keep you warm.
+ A journal and pen with you. You are invited to rest for a while after the session to allow space to integrate, but if you receive any insights or messages during at least you have your journal ready to write down anything you need to.

To speak with me personally, feel free to message me on whatsapp +47797745504

Deepening, Cultivating and Sourcing our Inner Medicine.

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illuminated Community Call

illuminated Community Call

Our first call 26th March

Within this container we will delve into all sorts each monthly cycle; from Sacred Business the cyclic way, Dismantling conditionings; Accessing your personal power to call in your authentic desires; Cyclical Living to support you Wholly; Inner Workings/ Shado Work; Birth Work and Womb Work. As it grows all members Will have the opportunity to Contribute and share sessions or classes to promote their own work within the circle of Sisters. Very excited for our first call.
This session we will be honouring and working with the Sisterhood Wound - and welcoming all into the space.

Let the work begin, honouring all that is born from these sessions, whether that be healing, new insights, Deeper intimacy with the self or alchemical level of changes and transformations within the body- the healing we do within these circles ripples out into our surrounding community. More Women doing more of what they love!

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SUNDAY ART CIRCLE ☥ Sourcing your Personal Magick ☥

SUNDAY ART CIRCLE ☥ Sourcing your Personal Magick ☥

Green Organic Items Online Store Website (1).png

| Illuminating Intentions | Cultivating Compassion | Co-creating Community Medicine |


Sessions £ 11.00

Secure your Sunday Art Circle spot, Limited Number of spaces (only 12 available).

Please click the button below to make the payment.

Once you have made the payment, you will receive an email with the Zoom link, details & event info.

Look forward to sitting in this Sacred Art Circle with you.

S o p h i a ☥


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FULL MOON M e d i t a t i o n Circle ☥ LIVE

FULL MOON M e d i t a t i o n Circle ☥ LIVE


Community Medicine for each Monthly Cycle


This is an opportunity to open your heart in community and let living earth come alive in your cells, to drink the Celestial nectar of Mother Earth and evolve through her ancient wisdom.

In this Meditation journey you will be lovingly guided through this energy, it's a chance to get in tune with the energy around you and work with it's creative potential. The meditation is a tool to tap into the intuition and power that already exists within you.

All are welcome to join this meditation, whether you have meditation experience or not it doesn't matter. All that is required of you is your presence and listening ears to receive this healing transmission.

About Page.png

A supportive Online Meditation Community where we will guide you through the 13 MOONS OF THE YEAR, each one a unique portal to your inner world.

There are 13 Gates, 13 Rites and 13 Moons when working in relation to the female body and the Divine workings of Feminine CONSCIOUSNESS.

Be guided throughout the Wheel of the year, to reclaim our ancient wisdom, be inspired by the magick of the moon and our Cyclic NATURE.


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Full Moon Meditation in Virgo ☥ LIVE

Full Moon Meditation in Virgo ☥ LIVE

LIVE Meditation Full Moon in Virgo ☥ 28th February 2021

In this Meditation journey you will be lovingly guided through this energy, it's a chance to get in tune with the energy around you and work with it's creative potential. The meditation is a tool to tap into the intuition and power that already exists within you.
All are welcome to join this meditation, whether you have meditation experience or not it doesn't matter. All that is required of you is your presence and listening ears to receive this healing transmission.

About Page.png

There are 13 Gates, 13 Rites and 13 Moons when working in relation to the female body and the Divine workings of Feminine CONSCIOUSNESS.

Be guided throughout the Wheel of the year, to reclaim our ancient wisdom, be inspired by the magick of the moon and our Cyclic NATURE.


A supportive Online Meditation Community where we will guide you through the 13 MOONS OF THE YEAR, each one a unique portal to your inner world.

Connecting to the cycles of the moon is a way of aligning your personal energy with the earth’s natural rhythms. As each moon phase approaches you will receive a gentle reminder to go within, with guided meditation journeys, and journal prompts specifically designed according to the astrological pointing of the moon. Each meditation is an opportunity to re-balance, release and manifest, carefully designed to invoke different questions within you and awaken parts of your being as you navigate your way in this ever changing world.

As the energy of the earth is transforming, we too are going through huge transformations and shifts in our consciousness, it’s more important than ever to tune into our bodies and be guided by the cyclical patterns of Mother Earth. Through the wisdom of the Celtic wheel of the year you can embrace the cyclical nature that lives within you. You will be gifted with handcrafted rituals to guide you through these ancient Celtic festivities throughout the year.

This is an opportunity to open your heart and let living earth come alive in your cells, to drink the Celestial nectar of Mother Earth and evolve through her ancient wisdom.

Why work with the Moons phases?

☥ Cultivates and Strengthens your Intuition

☥ Develop a deeper spirit, mind, body connection

☥ Hold space to process your emotions

☥ Birth your Authentic Voice and Soul’s Song

☥ Helps renew, refresh and release stagnant energies from past cycles

☥ Opportunity to cultivate clear visions to manifest your dreams

☥ Provides supportive community and accountability for your Projects, Plans and Creations

☥ Guides you to connect with your Soul and Life’s purpose

☥ Blossoms and waters the seedlings of Appreciation, Gratitude and Compassion

Together we are opening up more space for us all to embody our creativity freely and be the abundance and joy that we are.

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New Moon Meditation in Aquarius ☥ LIVE

New Moon Meditation in Aquarius ☥ LIVE

New Moon in Aquarius 11.2.21 ☥

Aquarius New Moon ☥

As the Moon begins her cycle once again it's time for us to plant the seeds of our intentions, to nurture our dreams, it's a chance to refresh and reset our energy.
Feb 2021 will have 7 planets in the sign of Aquarius and on 11th Feb the Moon joins in the lineup of planets in Aquarius. It's a powerful time to explore the creative ideas within you, to envision and dream your world into being. As well as setting our personal intentions we can envision the kind of world we want to live in and send healing to the collective. The intentions that you set at this time will spark big change in the coming months.
In this meditation journey you will be lovingly guided through this energy, it's a chance to get in tune with the energy around you and work with it's creative potential. The meditation is a tool to tap into the intuition and power that already exists within you.
All are welcome to join this meditation, whether you have meditation experience or not it doesn't matter. All that is required of you is your presence and listening ears to receive this healing transmission.

About Page.png

There are 13 Gates, 13 Rites and 13 Moons when working in relation to the female body and the Divine workings of Feminine CONSCIOUSNESS.

Be guided throughout the Wheel of the year, to reclaim our ancient wisdom, be inspired by the magick of the moon and our Cyclic NATURE.


A supportive Online Meditation Community where we will guide you through the 13 MOONS OF THE YEAR, each one a unique portal to your inner world.

Connecting to the cycles of the moon is a way of aligning your personal energy with the earth’s natural rhythms. As each moon phase approaches you will receive a gentle reminder to go within, with guided meditation journeys, and journal prompts specifically designed according to the astrological pointing of the moon. Each meditation is an opportunity to re-balance, release and manifest, carefully designed to invoke different questions within you and awaken parts of your being as you navigate your way in this ever changing world.

As the energy of the earth is transforming, we too are going through huge transformations and shifts in our consciousness, it’s more important than ever to tune into our bodies and be guided by the cyclical patterns of Mother Earth. Through the wisdom of the Celtic wheel of the year you can embrace the cyclical nature that lives within you. You will be gifted with handcrafted rituals to guide you through these ancient Celtic festivities throughout the year.

This is an opportunity to open your heart and let living earth come alive in your cells, to drink the Celestial nectar of Mother Earth and evolve through her ancient wisdom.

Why work with the Moons phases?

☥ Cultivates and Strengthens your Intuition

☥ Develop a deeper spirit, mind, body connection

☥ Hold space to process your emotions

☥ Birth your Authentic Voice and Soul’s Song

☥ Helps renew, refresh and release stagnant energies from past cycles

☥ Opportunity to cultivate clear visions to manifest your dreams

☥ Provides supportive community and accountability for your Projects, Plans and Creations

☥ Guides you to connect with your Soul and Life’s purpose

☥ Blossoms and waters the seedlings of Appreciation, Gratitude and Compassion

Together we are opening up more space for us all to embody our creativity freely and be the abundance and joy that we are.

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LIVE Full Moon in Leo  Moon Meditation

LIVE Full Moon in Leo Moon Meditation

Our next live online Full Moon Meditation will be on January 28th

To receive the invitation join our Moon Meditation Community.

You are invited to join the Moon Meditation C o m m u n i t y


We are creating a supportive Online Meditation Community where we will meditate together every New Moon and Full Moon. As the energy of the earth is transforming, we too are going through a huge transformations and shifts in our consciousness, it’s more important than ever to tune into our bodies and let nature guide us. Connecting to the cycles of the moon is one way aligning our personal energy energy with the earth energy and keeping ourselves grounded as we navigate our way in this ever changing world. Each Moon brings and opportunity to look within, to manifest, and to tap into the intuition that lives within you.

As each moon phase approaches you will receive a gentle reminder to check in with yourself, with guided meditation journeys and journal prompts specifically designed according to the astrological sign that the moon is in. Each meditation is designed to invoke different questions within you, awaken different parts of your being and focus on different aspects of your life. You will also get the opportunity to work on self development and spiritual growth in a supportive community. This is time to open our hearts and let living earth come alive in our cells, to drink the wisdom of the moon and evolve through her ancient wisdom.


Why work with the Moons phases?

  • Strengthen your natural instincts

  • Develop a deeper mind body connection

  • Holds space to process your emotions

  • Helps cleanse and release stagnant energies from within

  • Opportunity to manifest your dreams

  • Provides support for your projects, plans and creations

  • Guides you to connect with your life’s purpose

  • Helps build appreciation, gratitude and compassion

Moon Meditation Membership


  • Uniquely created recorded meditations each New Moon and Full Moon

  • New Journal Prompts according to the astrological sign of each moon

  • Option to join the live meditations via zoom

  • Access to Moon Meditations Members area

  • Opportunity to connect with a supportive community and share our progress and feelings

  • Bonus meditations, rituals, and card readings

The RISE of the FEMININE within us ALL will heal our WORLD

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LIVE New Moon in Capricorn                    Moon Meditation

LIVE New Moon in Capricorn Moon Meditation

Our next live online New Moon Meditation will be on January 12th at 10 am. To receive the invitation join our Moon Meditation Community.

You are invited to join the Moon Meditation C o m m u n i t y


We are creating a supportive Online Meditation Community where we will meditate together every New Moon and Full Moon. As the energy of the earth is transforming, we too are going through a huge transformations and shifts in our consciousness, it’s more important than ever to tune into our bodies and let nature guide us. Connecting to the cycles of the moon is one way aligning our personal energy energy with the earth energy and keeping ourselves grounded as we navigate our way in this ever changing world. Each Moon brings and opportunity to look within, to manifest, and to tap into the intuition that lives within you.

As each moon phase approaches you will receive a gentle reminder to check in with yourself, with guided meditation journeys and journal prompts specifically designed according to the astrological sign that the moon is in. Each meditation is designed to invoke different questions within you, awaken different parts of your being and focus on different aspects of your life. You will also get the opportunity to work on self development and spiritual growth in a supportive community. This is time to open our hearts and let living earth come alive in our cells, to drink the wisdom of the moon and evolve through her ancient wisdom.


Why work with the Moons phases?

  • Strengthen your natural instincts

  • Develop a deeper mind body connection

  • Holds space to process your emotions

  • Helps cleanse and release stagnant energies from within

  • Opportunity to manifest your dreams

  • Provides support for your projects, plans and creations

  • Guides you to connect with your life’s purpose

  • Helps build appreciation, gratitude and compassion

Moon Meditation Membership


  • Uniquely created recorded meditations each New Moon and Full Moon

  • New Journal Prompts according to the astrological sign of each moon

  • Option to join the live meditations via zoom

  • Access to Moon Meditations Members area

  • Opportunity to connect with a supportive community and share our progress and feelings

  • Bonus meditations, rituals, and card readings

The RISE of the FEMININE within us ALL will heal our WORLD

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Online Women’s Circle                  Full Moon in Cancer

Online Women’s Circle Full Moon in Cancer




We will gather virtually to celebrate the gifts of the FULL MOON in Cancer, the Mother of Mother’s.
Because of the current events, it is more important than ever to gather and share S P A C E as the DIVINE FEMININE that we are.

So we will RELEASE

we will LAUGH


We will SHARE what we are FEELING in our HEARTS

TOGETHER we will reflect and be GROUNDED in OUR WOMBS


We will create MAGICK, like we always do when we COME and CO-CREATE TOGETHER

to create the ENERGY of

W ( ) M E N S P A C E.



This Ceremony includes:

 🐚 Yoga Nidra - Guided Meditation  

🐚 Light Language Transmission

🐚 Earth Body Prayer/Breast Activation 

 🐚 Sound Journey

 🐚 Womb Connection - Healing Practices 

🐚 Grounding - Somatic body Practices

🐚 Circle Share / Releasing Ceremony

A couple of things you may wish to have/use during the ceremony:

  • Prepare yourself a nice HOT BREW full of healing spices ( If you like, take a look at one of our own recipes in the Free resources section- we tend to use lots of healing spices and grounding herbs. Or simply make your favourite hot beverage.

  • If you have any incense or herbs around or accessible you can if you wish cleanse the space you will be attending the Circle. This is a nice way to ground into your inner landscape and set some intentions for the evening. 15 mins beforehand smudge the room, cleansing yourself of any negative energies, say thank you to the spirits who work alongside you and ask anybody who does not serve your highest good, to kindly leave. Your are grateful for their presence however, if they do not serve your highest good they are not welcome.

  • Make sure you are wearing warm, comfortable clothes.

  • Have your Journal on hand for the writing exercises.

  • If you are able to get hold of a candle, that you can light when setting intentions during the circle. It will alight throughout the entire ceremony, either by the side of you or on your altar. This will connect us all together and will represent in our unison, our inner flame shines even brighter when we gather together.

  • If you wish, you can always offer some fruit or flowers to your altar or temple, whichever you feel called to do. Maybe you want to remember somebody, or feel if like a loved one is attending the circle with you, even though they may be far!

  • Perhaps keep by the side of you a blanket, incase your temperature changes after one of the meditations.

  • And yes, so it is! That should be all that you need.The most important aspect is your Presence.







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Summer Solstice Gathering

Summer Solstice Gathering



Warm wishes & Blessings beautiful beings.

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We Are of The Earth  Our Wombs as Vessels

We Are of The Earth Our Wombs as Vessels

Image: “Curandera de la Madre Tierra” by Ricardo Ortega

Image: “Curandera de la Madre Tierra” by Ricardo Ortega

We Are of The Earth Our Wombs as Vessels 8th April 2020


We will gather virtually to celebrate the gifts of the FULL MOON in Libra.
Because of the current events, it is more important than ever to gather and share S P A C E as the DIVINE FEMININE that we are.

So we will RELEASE

we will LAUGH


We will SHARE what we are FEELING in our HEARTS

TOGETHER we will reflect and be GROUNDED in OUR WOMBS


We will create MAGICK, like we always do when we COME and CO-CREATE TOGETHER

to create the ENERGY of

W ( ) M E N S P A C E.



This Ceremony includes:

 🐚 Yoga Nidra - Guided Meditation  

🐚 Light Language Transmission

🐚 Earth Body Prayer/Healing Activations

 🐚 Sound Journey

 🐚 Womb Connection - Healing Practices 

🐚 Grounding - Somatic body Practices

🐚 Circle Share / Releasing Ceremony

 A couple of things you may wish to have/use during the ceremony:

  • Prepare yourself a nice HOT BREW full of healing spices ( If you like, take a look at one of our own recipes in the Free resources section- we tend to use lots of healing spices and grounding herbs. Or simply make your favourite hot beverage.

  • If you have any incense or herbs around or accessible you can if you wish cleanse the space you will be attending the Circle. This is a nice way to ground into your inner landscape and set some intentions for the evening. 15 mins beforehand smudge the room, cleansing yourself of any negative energies, say thank you to the spirits who work alongside you and ask anybody who does not serve your highest good, to kindly leave. Your are grateful for their presence however, if they do not serve your highest good they are not welcome.

  • Make sure you are wearing warm, comfortable clothes.

  • Have your Journal on hand for the writing exercises.

  • If you are able to get hold of a candle, that you can light when setting intentions during the circle. It will alight throughout the entire ceremony, either by the side of you or on your altar. This will connect us all together and will represent in our unison, our inner flame shines even brighter when we gather together.

  • If you wish, you can always offer some fruit or flowers to your altar or temple, whichever you feel called to do. Maybe you want to remember somebody, or feel if like a loved one is attending the circle with you, even though they may be far!

  • Perhaps keep by the side of you a blanket, incase your temperature changes after one of the meditations.

  • And yes, so it is! That should be all that you need.The most important aspect is your Presence.







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