Womb Steam Ceremony

A Women’s Medicine Journey into the spiral of Womb for healing. A sacred container to weave sacred threads of connection to the temple of the body and the landscapes of the Heart, Womb, Spirit and body of the earth.

An opportunity to tend to the fertile dark soils within and commune with plant medicine for your healing.

What is Womb and Vaginal Steaming?

Steaming of the Womb,Yoni,Vaginal & Perineal  

Womb steaming is a universal practice without one place of origin.

The practice involves boiling water in a pot, allowing the water to cool to a comfortable temperature, then sitting, squatting or standing over the pot so that the steam can reach the vulva, vaginal canal, and perineum. The water is infused with herbs to enhance the healing qualities of the steam. 

It is a practice that women developed all around the world thousands of years ago for postpartum care and treating gynaecological concerns.

— Liberty Gelderoos

The Ceremony

- Healing Plant Ally Tea Ritual & Sacred Intention Setting

-Womb Steam (15- 20 mins) and Guided Medicine Journey with the herbs & flowers that are supporting your steam

- Sacred Anointing

- Guided Alchemical & Rebirth Frame Drum Journey

The Benefits

— Stimulates Sacred blood-flow which helps to relax tension within the Pelvis and the Muscles which has a great impact on the rest of your body

— A deeper connection to your body, sensations, emotions & Womb

— A gentle release of Stagnant Emotions

— An awakened vitality and connection to your body, Womb, Vulva and Sacred Space.

— Reduce symptoms of PMS

— Regulate your cycle

— Improve libido

— Increase fertility

— Heal postpartum

— Maintain healthy odor, and more.


Refrain from yoni steaming if you are pregnant, think you are pregnant, menstruating, immediate postpartum, have an IUD or another contraceptive device and/or have a vaginal infection or open wound. Remove any genital piercings before steaming.